What is Dihydromyricetin
Hovenia dulcis is a Traditional Chinese Medicine for hangovers that is distributed naturally in the areas surrounding China, Japan, Korea, and the Himalayas.
The molecule we know as Dihydromyricetin is also called Ampelopsin, and is extracted using an ethanol-based solution from the fruit of the Hovenia Dulcis tree, and minimally processed before it’s dehydrated and turned into a powder ready to be purified.
How does Dihydromyricetin work
The unpleasant feelings that stem from a hangover are generally attributed to a combination of factors including dehydration, fatigue, glucose imbalances, as well as toxic impurities found in some alcoholic beverages (i.e. congeners) – but above all due to the toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism, acetaldehyde.
Two enzymes help your body break down alcohol (ethanol) and acetaldehyde (‘ethanal’) — alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). A number of studies (Chen et al., 2006) suggest that dihydromyricetin – one of the main ingredients in Survivor – increases the activity of said enzymes, meaning DHM could help you metabolize alcohol faster.
Additionally, another recent study found that people who ingested DHM experienced less headache, dizziness, nausea, and weakness after drinking than those who did not take the DHM (Kim et al., 2017). This article discusses DHM and hangovers and how the latter affects the former.
DHM, also known as Dihydromyricetin or Ampelopsin, is a potent flavonoid. It has been seen to help accelerate your body’s ability to break down acetaldehyde, the toxic by-product of alcohol metabolisation.
Fairly new in the eyes of Western science, it has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine – the plants from which DHM can be extracted, Ampelopsis grossedentata and Hovenia dulcis, have have been used as remedies or a supplement for hangovers for centuries and consumed as teas, powder preparations, and infusions.
DHM has recently invited considerable academic interest given its promise of an entire swathe of health-beneficial effects. DHM studies suggest Dihydromyricetin (DHM) relieves alcohol toxicity and prevents intoxication by limiting the absorption of alcohol in the gastrointestinal tract and promoting the metabolisation of alcohol in the liver. DHM has even been proposed as a ‘novel anti-intoxication medication’ (Shen et al., 2012).
Indeed, DHM ‘has been demonstrated to show anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antimicrobial, cell death-mediating, and lipid and glucose metabolism-regulatory activities’ (Li et al., 2017). There are now over 279 studies across medical publisher databases PubMed and Google Scholar, and many more in the pipeline. Definitely the flavonoid to keep your eye on!
Why Choose SRBio DHM Powder
1. High purity: Our DHM powder is manufactured using high-quality raw materials and undergoes a rigorous purification process to ensure high purity. It is standardized to contain a specific percentage of DHM.
2. Batch-to-batch consistency: In our factory DHM powder is produced using standardized manufacturing processes, which ensures batch-to-batch consistency in terms of purity, potency, and quality.
3. Traceability: Our DHM powder undergoes strict quality control measures, which ensure the traceability of the product from raw material to finished product.
4. Third-party testing: Our DHM powder undergoes third-party testing to ensure that it meets the required quality standards. The test results are provided to customers to ensure transparency and trust in the product.
Latin Name: Hovenia dulcis THUNB / Ampelopsis grossedentata
Synonyms: Hovenia dulcis THUNB Hovenia acerba – Lindl. Hovenia inequalis – DC.Hovenia dulcisThunb.
Part Used: Leaf of ampelopsis grossedentata / Fruit of Hovenia dulcis THUNB
Specifications: Dihydromyricetin (DHM) 20% &98%
Appearance: White fine powder
Application: Hangover Medicine & Drink
Cas No.: 27200-12-0
Useful Information

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Xi’an SR Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd
Xi’an SRBio is a professional wholesale provider of many quality nutritional supplements products and AMINO ACID Powde etc.
We supply powder, tablets and capsules.
When you take dihydromyricetin really depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. So, for example, researchers found that taking a relatively large dose before drinking it reduced the circulating levels of alcohol in the blood. For most people however,….read more
What You May Need?
Note: SRBio Anti-Hangover Formula is not just a fly by night formulation, it has been worked now for over a year, by a well respected researcher in Switzerland, a food scientist from the Sunshine Coast, Australia and a product Developer from Sydney, Australia. The primary ingredients contained in it has been scientifically studied, and generates results in the real world.
So what exactly comprises the nuts and bolts behind SRBio Anti-Hangover Formula?
- Hovenia Dulcis (Japanese Raisin berry tree)
- Milk Thistle Extract
- Cactus Pear Extract
- Korean Pear Extract
- Panax Ginseng Extract