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Aloe Vera Extract

Aloe Vera Extract

KFDA: CN0019308

Professional Korean Market Supplier

Manufacturer, All natural

Item Number: SR0045

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Aloe Vera gel contains a combination of powerful organic compounds, which are found inside the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant. The gel is a colorless, odorless, hydrocolloid with several natural beneficial substances, including mucopolysaccharides such as Acemannan and aloe sterols (cycloartenol and lophenol). Today’s consumers in the cosmetic, food and beverage market are increasingly interested in healthy lifestyles anti-aging and sun protection, trends that have produced a skyrocketing demand for health-oriented, UV sun protective & anti-aging products. The current worldwide popularity of Aloe Vera gel as an ingredient is an example of this trend. It was found that while 81 percent of consumers in the United States are aware of vitamins in products, an astonishing 78 percent of American consumers are aware of the presence of Aloe Vera as an ingredient.


• Gluten-Free Ingredient

• Non-GMO Raw Material

• Suitable Ingredient for Dietary Supplement and Beverage Powder Formulations

• Source of mucopolysaccharides and aloe sterols

• Easily Dissolved Raw Material for Liquid Formulations (water soluble)

• Effective Ingredient for Food, Beverage, Personal Care, Cosmetic, Dietary Supplement, Animal Care Formulations

• UVB protection and anti-aging properties

• Cryo-temperature Freeze-Dried Ingredient to Protect its Valuable Components

• Support for anti-aging, UVB and sun-protective supplements and creams

• Highest Purity Aloe Vera Gel Raw Material Available

• 200 Times the Concentration of Natural Aloe Vera Gel


Common Name         Aloe Vera

Specification                   Aloin ≥2 %,  Aloe Vera Freeze Dried 100:1 200:1

Active Ingredients              Aloin 

Part Used   Leaf  Gel 

Appearance               White Powder

Application         Cosmetics, beverages, dietary supplements

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Xi’an SR Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd

Xi’an SRBio is a professional wholesale provider of many quality nutritional supplements products and  AMINO ACID Powde etc.

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