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L-Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid. It is the only form of Phenylalanine found in proteins. Major dietary sources of L-Phenylalanine include meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and milk.

(Powder, Tablets and Capsules)



L-Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid. It is the only form of phenylalanine found in proteins. Major dietary sources of L-Phenylalanine include meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and milk.


1.Produce other compounds

2.Reduce symptoms of depression

3.Relieves chronic pain

4.Promote weight loss

Some Application

L-Phenylalanine is most commonly used for a skin disorder that causes white patches to develop on the skin (vitiligo). It is also used for aging skin, pain, obesity.


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Xi’an SR Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd

Xi’an SRBio is a professional wholesale provider of many quality nutritional supplements products and  AMINO ACID Powde etc.

We supply powder, tablets and capsules.

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